Remote control is an advanced technology that allows for the remote monitoring of urban service management systems. It is used in various sectors, including industrial, energy, telecommunications, water, and waste management. This system offers numerous benefits in terms of monitoring, efficiency, and security.
In this article, we will delve into the main benefits of remote control, namely:
- Easily monitorable data analysis.
- Reduced consumption.
- 24/7 online system.
ANIE Automazione, one of the 13 sector associations of ANIE – National Federation of Electrotechnical and Electronic Companies, affiliated with Confindustria, in a recent 2021 contribution intended for those working in reference sectors concerning remote control, provides an automation solution involving supervision via software and data collection through a network of devices and tools geographically distributed over a complex system.
According to this contribution, remote control can perform two functions:
- Monitoring: that is, it can restrict itself to just the operation of remote data.
- Regulation: that is, foreseeing the modification of the state of a remote system through the so-called actuators.
To process data from field devices, such as sensors, actuators, and transducers, a control and supervision center is required.
In complex cases, there may be more than one, hierarchically connected. The data that must be processed are scattered throughout the system, to make them available to an operator.
Communication infrastructure plays a vital role, implemented with various physical means like optical fiber, radio carriers, and the telephone network, facilitating information exchange between a periphery and a control center.
One of the primary benefits of remote control is the ability to easily monitor system operation data. This centralized data allows for detailed qualitative and quantitative real-time and continuous analysis. Thus, remote control leads to more efficient system management.
Real-time data analysis is essential because managers can quickly and effectively take measures to enhance system performance. The goal is to maintain the highest operational reliability. By monitoring, recording, and analyzing the vast amount of data from the “field”, it enables plant managers to initiate cost-cutting procedures. This way, profits are increased, and failures can be managed swiftly and efficiently.
Additionally, historical data collection allows for comparative analysis and identifying any trends or anomalies in the system’s operation. Accurate acquisition of historical data offers new optimization opportunities. Real-time data can be grouped into predetermined time intervals, e.g., every 15/30/60 minutes and divided into days, months, and years. Detailed reports and analyses help maximize resources, avoid waste, and increase productivity.
Easily monitorable data shifts maintenance from corrective to predictive terms. Real-time data collection and analysis can promptly identify potential malfunctions or anomalies in the system and intervene before operational interruptions or failures. This maintenance type reduces costs and enhances the system’s efficiency and safety.
Real-time data monitoring, enabled by remote control, facilitates energy consumption optimization. This is because it’s possible to identify energy inefficiencies or wastage and intervene promptly.
For instance, remote control can monitor electrical power consumption and detect consumption peaks. Thus, it’s possible to intervene, reducing consumption and limiting energy expenses.
Moreover, monitoring various system parameters helps identify energy inefficiencies or losses, perhaps due to inadequate thermal insulation or pressure loss.
In sectors like street lighting, remote control leads to reduced consumption by employing systems like timers or dusk switches. Stabilization and regulation systems result in a 30% energy consumption reduction since it reduces light flow at night.
Remote control brings significant benefits in reduced consumption terms, also enhancing system efficiency and safety.
When discussing remote control as a 24/7 online system, it implies an always-active feature, remotely accessible at any time, ensuring continuous process control. This means the system operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, uninterrupted.
In sectors where continuous monitoring and efficient process management are crucial, such as energy, it’s vital to constantly oversee electricity production and distribution, ensuring reliable and consistent service.
For public lighting, the 24/7 online system can monitor equipment status in real time, detect faults, and schedule preventative maintenance, leading to more efficient service provision and reduced management costs.
Additionally, the remote control system intelligently manages lighting, adjusting it based on weather and traffic conditions, ensuring optimal illumination and reducing energy waste.
Remote monitoring as a 24/7 online system also provides increased safety by detecting any problems in real-time and preventing dangerous situations for citizens.
Remote monitoring as a 24/7 online system offers several advantages, including:
- Continuous process monitoring because it remains always active, avoiding potential breakdowns or malfunctions;
- Time and cost savings because it allows timely and precise management, avoiding resource relocation;
- Enhanced safety, reducing the risk of accidents and damage to the plants;
- Improved efficiency by optimizing and reducing waiting times.