Energy savings and greater well-being for workers

Projects of
Industrial lighting

Today, Sidermec is the group of reference throughout Europe for the purchase and processing of tinplate, chrome plate and black plate for industrial packaging.

The relamping project aimed to increase illuminance levels and uniformity, as well as to control light according to natural illuminance. In fact, quality light is known to make one more productive – a good illuminance level makes work less tiring and more effective.

With the new Atlas, the average illuminance increased to 300 lux. The specific optics utilised ensures high uniformity, significantly reducing glare from the luminaires. 

In this project
All installed luminaires were connected to DALI infrastructure for centralised lighting control. This allows the brightness levels to be varied as required. In the Warehouse area, 200 lux is sufficient whilst 400 lux is ideal in the Quality Control department.
The use of light sensors connected to the infrastructure makes it possible to adjust the use of luminaires on the basis of the amount of daylight entering from outside. As is well known, the contribution of daylight – if exploited well – improves workers’ sense of well-being.
The objectives of energy savings and increased well-being for workers are thus perfectly achieved with this industrial relamping project.