Trattamenti Termici deals with the heat treatments of light alloys (aluminium) and has a continuous-cycle processing of the material, through furnaces at very high temperatures. In order to comply with stringent safety regulations in the industry and to save energy costs, the company is considering relamping with LED lights. However, given the extensive heat in the rooms, an efficient, temperature-resistant lighting system is needed for prolonged periods.
In situations with high heat, the LED is put under particular stress.
Electronic components are actually extremely delicate. For this particular client, our Design Team created an LED solution and a particularly heat-resistant power supply, suitable for excellent illumination of the furnace area.
Intervention in numbers
50°room temperature
7.000 mqtotal area to be illuminated
A solution for every need
A broad portfolio of solutions that combine energy-saving requirements with the specific needs and demands of the most diverse application contexts.