In order to reduce our carbon footprint, but also to limit expenses that have soared in recent years, saving energy is a goal that we all, citizens and companies alike, must set ourselves. And it is with this in mind that today we want to address the issue from the very perspective of companies: how to increase efficiency and reduce energy consumption in the workplace, as well as in manufacturing and transportation?

So let’s look at 6 key energy-saving principles for businesses.

Light, the first step to energy saving in every company

According to a study concerning the United Kingdom, the largest percentage of energy consumed in offices (33% to be precise) is used for lighting, which also accounts for 10% of total consumption in industry.

Lighting is not only a matter of energy, but also of worker safety, performance, and well-being, and is therefore a key element in any workplace and in every industry.

Here are some improvements that can be adopted in any company for greater energy savings in lighting:

  • Make the best use of natural light and employ artificial light only where the former is too deficient. To avoid annoying glare and optimize the distribution of sunlight, installing sunshades on windows can help greatly.
  • Replace old light bulbs with the latest generation of LED models, which save up to 80% of energy.
  • In manufacturing spaces and warehouses, choose industrial lighting solutions that offer high performances and can ensure the visual comfort of employees.
  • Install sensors that can automatically turn off lights in rooms where no one is around.
Reduce consumption for space heating and cooling

Heating and cooling are other particularly energy-consuming areas that must be included in any energy-saving program for companies. Taking measures concerning the architecture of spaces, limiting heat loss in the winter and excessive heating in the summer achieves great results, but there are many other actions that can be performed that are easier to implement:

  • Reducing heating by one degree can reduce the fossil fuel consumption of an office by 8%.
  • Make sure that windows and doors are well insulated and in good condition.
  • Optimize the on and off timing of heating and cooling systems, so that they align with working hours.

Install smart air conditioning systems that can maintain an environment in the best climatic conditions with the minimum use of energy.

Switch to equipment that consumes less

This principle is, of course, valid for large industrial facilities and for smaller workplaces as well. Just think that a laptop consumes up to 80% less energy than a desktop computer. The same argument can also be made, for example, for the equipment found in a very common office kitchen, from the refrigerator to the coffee maker. It’s a tip for energy saving for businesses that is relatively easy to follow and achieves significant results.

Keep your plants and appliances in perfect working order

Proper maintenance of any plant or appliance ensures not only its proper operation, optimal performance, and long life, but also its maximum energy efficiency for your business.

Trains staff in the principles of energy saving in the company

The human factor is a key element in every aspect of a company’s smooth operation, and this is also true when it comes to energy savings in companies. That’s why staff training is essential to spread good practices that reduce consumption. Here are a few areas in which to train your employees:

  • Lighting management: explain at what areas and times it is recommended to turn off lights.
  • Turning off equipment: train staff on which equipment can be turned off at the end of working hours and which should be left on.

Heating/cooling management: teach your employees what to do when the temperature is too high or too low so that they don’t improvise (such as opening windows instead of turning down the heat).

Beware of standby mode

The 2% of overall energy consumption is used to power equipment that is in standby mode. Depending on the device, standby mode can consume up to 50% of what an appliance consumes when it is turned on. Where possible, turning off devices without leaving them in standby mode is a small but significant step in the direction of greater energy savings in your company.